Monday, June 2, 2014

June 2014

Kitty inspired me to actually set some goals for the month and I am very glad.   I don't want to drift through my life. I realized a few days ago how set in my ways I get.  I wrote this to a friend.

Last year at this time the job I have now was created.   A few people asked if I was going to apply.  I said no because of fear.  The person they hired lasted a few months before being demoted.   I applied, got it and love it.  I said no for no good reason.

I was explaining that I don't want "no" to be my default answer any more.   So between that revelation and the fact that I have setup appointments to figure out what to do about my marriage it is time to get my shit together.
I have another meeting at the Womens resource center to consult with a lawyer about what I will have to do.   I know I will need a decent amount of money to set up a real exit plan.   Knowing how much will be helpful.  I cashed in some of my vacation time and I should be getting that check at the end of this week.   That is my divorce fund.  God that is such a depressing concept.  
So my goal for this month is to figure out how I need to proceed with the divorce.   My plan is to set up the divorce Katie Holmes style.   Have everything ready to go and spring it on him.  It is the safest way to do it even though I feel like it is the meanest thing I could think of doing to him.   I am scared of how he will react.  I can think of a few ways he could respond and none of them are good.   There is no nice way to do this.  
My other goal is to socialize more.  I want to actually hang out with people and have real interactions.   My goal is to do something each week.   This week was an adoption event for the rescue and I am going to do a "class" for my nieces girl scout like group on fruit.  Next week I have a dinner with some people from work and I am going to do a self defense class with some women from the rescue and I invited some ladies from work too.  Just typing that made me happy.  


  1. I am just so happy for you Josie.. This is taking a step, a very huge step, towards living the life you want to. You are so strong for doing this. I know the road wont be easy but I admire you for finally taking this step.

    And whenever you need to talk, I am here to listen, just leave me a msg and I am there, ok? :)

    Be happy Josie, you deserve the best :)

    1. Thank you Kitty! This week I felt like my moods were on a roller coaster but in the end I know it's for the best.
