Thursday, January 10, 2013

Ten days into the new year and I already feel worn out. I have tried to keep up with my resolutions and I am doing so in a half assed sort of way. Money wise I have been staying on track with only giving into my husband wanting something from the mini mart two times. I have kepted both Wednesdays free of my to do list, and trying to just relax at those times. And foodwise I started eating nice and healthy for about a week and then had a few mini binges. So as of yesterday I am back to eating right. I just wish I could shake this depression, it feels like I am trapped under a blanket and I can't get out. I had therapy today really its just a check in with the person who prescribes my meds and I have to fill out a survey eachtime. And eachtime my answers are either showing I am feeling more and more depressed. But I think I send her mixed signals because I like her as a person and I seem brighter when I talk to her.
I have had a tough time with my husband too and I know that is a big part of the depression. We got in a big fight and I actually left the house for awhile. I only came back when he sent me a text asking where I went. He didn't remember the fight and telling me to leave. I was so pissed. I know he is sick, I know he can't remember somethings, but I do. Somedays I'm just so angry. He did see my black and blue on my arm from grabbing me and he felt horrible but it does not make a difference. I don't forgive him. I told him I want to talk to his dr because he is doing so poorly. He didn't like that idea but I am sticking with it. I will not let this shit continue, if he doesn't try to make shit better I am done. I have to.
So anyway I am trying to build up the courage to give him the contract I wrote up, I want to give it to him tomorrow. I hope I do.


  1. Oh honey.. I am glad you are back on eating right again.. I am doing my best to do the same..
    Maybe you should tell the person giving you the meds just what you said here.. Tell her that you feel brighter when you talk to her even though you don't most of the times. I hope you feel good all the time hon - you deserve the happiness..

    Do what is best for you hon.. And I hope you found the courage and that it went well.. *hugs*

  2. Keep going, you're doing great! I find that when i get depressed it goes away after about 3-4 days. Everyone is different, but my point is to stick it out and things will turn around.
