Monday, August 6, 2012

I didn't wake up from this nightmare

Maybe my body is just faking it.  I feel like I am about to get my period, I know that is not very logical but a small percentage of the tests are false positives so why not mine?  It not like I haven't skipped a period in the past. 
I still haven't told anyone.  I can't.  I should call my therapist, but if I talk about it, it will be real.  It can't be real. 
I have to take control and fix everything. I need things to be managable again.

1 comment:

  1. Oh my.. *hugs*
    Honey.. Remember that no matter what - it is your body and it is your choice. I as you might now am 6 months pregnant now and for me it was a shock to begin with. After a while I settled down with the thought and the idea, but it is still freaking me out (I had a breakdown last night) ..

    So remember what you decide to do, is up to you. If you are not ready for this - you always have an option. Don't let anyone scare you or judge you into anything.

    Stay strong. Think about what is best for you and your life, cause you need to be OK with it to be able to go through a pregnancy and to have a kid.

