Friday, August 17, 2012

Where do I begin?

Well here I am back at work, getting back to my normal schedule of working. I am glad I had taken the four days off after working 12 in a row. I wish it had been more enjoyable but when you deny reality it tends to sucker punch you and stab you in the neck.
I can't deny reality any longer, I have to be realistic and know what the limitations of my life will be. Do I want children? Yes. Can I bring a child into the life I live? No. Part of my husbands illness makes him unable to understand this.
He thinks I miscarried. I told my therapist today. I have told no one except medical professionals. I didn't even want to go to my appointment but I know I need to talk about it. I have been on "automatic" since July 31st. I am able to get through things that way but I know its not healthy to stay like this too long. Pretending everything is ok does not actually make everything ok.
I have binged so much that tonight I am wearing my fat jeans. I ganed 10lbs in 2 weeks. This stops now also.


  1. It's good you are going to talk to your therapist about it. You can't ignore this. Have you decided what you are going to do about the pregancy? I know I shouldn't even ask that....I can't imagine the position you are in. Like you said in your comment, it would be so nice if we could live closer and just cry together. :( Love you to pieces and I hope your doing ok.

