Thursday, January 26, 2012


Well that's not a lot to celebrate but I will take it, its down not up or the same. Unfortunately my coworkers brought in cheese (full fat!) and crackers. They are women who push food, if they were drug dealers they would be rich, they have the ability to get anyone to eat. And I forgot my soup that I planned on for lunch so will have to use one of my "backup" bars. I keep at least 1 fiber bar and 1 kashi bar with me at all times so that I am not stuck with a horrible option. I had planned on bringing in shredded wheat and my soup because after work I have a very long list of things I have to do:
Pick up hard copy of Rx for hubby
Drop it off at pharmacy
Bring hubby to downtown appointment
Bring hubby to out of town appointment
Pick up rx
Go to sleep

I am hoping to be home and in bed by 1:30 but I doubt that will happen. The last appointment is at 12, its an hour long visit and a half hour away. Eh. I will see if I can get my hubby to pick up his Rx himself so that I can go to sleep.

I am so drained of energy right now and I slept for 9 hours! On Friday when I leave work I have to go right to sleep because my husband wants me to go with him and his friend to an event that I could due without attending. Its not that I don't want to go, its just that I am going to be really tired and I don't want to be bitchy or crabby the whole night. Oh well I will just have to fake a smile and pop some no doz, maybe a xanax too. I swear my xanax Rx is so wonderful, it works exactly how it should. I really feel like a better person when I take it. The only thing I have to watch is that my energy level dips a bit if I am already tired and I take it. Hence no doz.
I guess I should do some work now. Yay.

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