Tuesday, May 7, 2013

Truth or Dare?

Do I have to courage to live with Truth? I don't think I do. Instead I keep hiding in the world and playing Dare with my life. I saw a shooting star on my way to work tonight right as I was thinking "I feel like death". My wish came to me immeadiatly "I want things to be better", that's it. Just better. I am not sure how much worse things can get right now. I am alone in my little world. No one knows what is really going on. What's the point? I was honest in therapy on Wenesday with Judy my counselor and I felt so much better. But then Friday night happened. It happend. I know I cannot ignore it. I know I would scream at a chick in the same situation. I am such a hipocrite.
I need to be honest.
I need to tell.
I can't pretend things are fine. They are not. I need to take action today, with his doctor, and then Wenesday with mine.
Do I dare?
Anyone else feeling alone surrounded by others?


  1. What happened on Friday?
    It's hard to be honest with uncomfortable truths. But if you are, you can change yourself, and you know you have the will to change, which is more than most people.
    You know what you need to do. Reach out, and help yourself. You've been so strong the entire time I've read your blog.

  2. Thanks Emily, I really appreciate your feedback especially knowing you are in finals week! I plan on writing a post about last Friday, but to sum up my husband had a psychotic episode and I had to live through it. I did tell the truth to my PA well I left out a few big details but I only have a short session with her, she changed my treatment plan so that is good. Hopefully I can make my life better one day at a time.

  3. Sorry for being all awol.. I see on the reply you left Emily that things were bad..

    I just hope that by now things are better... <3
