Monday, January 11, 2010

tough weekend

So this weekend was hard but I didn't eat as well as I would have liked. This is due to the fact that my husband likes gummy fish and we went to visit my mother for her birthday. You see I am weak willed and therefor I ate said gummy fish and cake. So I am content with the fact the scale here at work is reading 111lbs and at home this morning it was 112.8. Hopefully by the end of the week I make it back to my low of 109lbs and can then move forward to my ultimate goal of 103. Well 100 would be perfect but for now I will work toward 103.
So now for something I hate to write about but need to get out of my head because it is doing no good there by itself. My husband is schizophrenic and the past few weeks have been tough for him, which means they have been tough on me too. Well on Friday we had an argument about something, I don't even remember now what it was about. But that doesn't bother me we are a married couple of course we argue sometimes, but he grabbed my shirt and wouldn't let go. It was just my shirt and it didn't escalate but it still happened. Of course he apologized and the next day we had a long talk about how if he is having a hard time it means that I also have a hard time. Since I am basically in charge of a lot of the things that goes on like keeping appointments, grocery shopping, managing our income it gets to me after awhile and can be really stressful. So Saturday I went to pick up my Rx and stayed out a bit longer than I really needed to, just to relax. It was so nice to just be by myself, I went and tried on jeans at Kohls- and I really liked that. I didn't buy anything because I didn't love anything I tried on. So this coming weekend I think I will go to Macy's since I have a gift card there and try to find some jeans. My size 5 Mudds are able to be pulled down without unbuttoning which is awesome but leaves me without any pants that fit. So I really need to buy at least one pair of jeans. Thank God I have a gift card otherwise I wouldn't have the money to get them.

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