Friday, March 1, 2013

Day off

I am so odd.  I had one day off from work and because I kept sleeping a few hours then hanging out with my husband, I feel like it was 2 or 3 days.  Which is awesome but very confusing to my body.  Oh well I am well rested and I got to spend time with my man and that is what counts.  I didn't do much otherwise but I have my to do list for after work today.  And I went ahead and bought my favorite perfume on line about a half hour ago.  I got the roll on, the spray, the lotion, and insense!  I am so excited, I strted wearing this oil when I was 14 and it is still the one I love the most.  I used to be able to get the roll on oil at a hippie store near my house but they moved so I figured I was out of it and I would just order it the next time I got a coupon.  And today I got a coupon, 20% off!  I knew there was no reason to keep waiting because I end up putting my wants on the bottom of any list.  So I have been making a point to buy somethings for myself.  I have bought one thing each month so far and it has been very nice I must say.  It helps that the first month I subscribed to a magazine so I just my second issue and I bought the 2 pair of pants in February.  I really should have waited to buy this but if I can juggle money around for everyother reason I should be able to do it for myself damn it!
Any way, I have been trying the whole moderation and being healthy thing and I have noticed it is much easier when I feel others are watching or noticing, not counting my husband.  That reminded me of when I needed to stop sucking my thumb.  Well to be clear I sucked my thumb when I was very young and stoped at some point.  Then we moved when I was 7.5 and I guess I freaked out because I started again.  I knew I couldn't go to a new school and still do this so I had to figure out a way to stop.  Mind you I was 7.5 years old.  I decided to pretend I was being filmed while I was awake and anyone could be watching.  Now this is a bit strange I think because reality tv wasn't yet a thing.  I think I mainly pretended I was the star of a sitcom and it seemed to work.  So now I am going to use the same idea to help me stay with my healthy lifestyle. It might cause me to develope paranoia but at least I will be healthy otherwise.
Ok so to keep going with my goal of a healthy well balanced life:
25 grams of fiber
45 grams of protein
Do at least two things on my to do list
Take some time to do something I want to just relax
I think that is enough for now.

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