Tuesday, March 26, 2013

What a week

Well last week was very interesting I must say. Let's see I got my period, had two major binges, over medicated myself, fought with my husband, and then got way too drunk and threw up for four hours and the next day celebrated my nieces 7th birthday. So umm pretty eventful and obnoxious so I am glad that is over.
So this week will be better. To avoid fights with my husband I laid down the "friend rule": you can hang out with a friend that is fine and normal, however, anything you do with a female friend you have to be ok with me doing with a male friend. I think that rule is very fair and he agreed so let's see how this works.
Food wise I have been ok the past few days back to trying to eat a nice balance of things even at my moms. I did have cake and pie but I didn't feel out of control and it did balance ok with the rest of my day. Monday morning after work I made a pot of soup like I had been wanting to for awhile. I had all my ingreedients and it will last me til Friday when I get paid so it worked out well. I keep modifying the recipe to give it more flavor so hopefully this time is a winner.

Goal wise this week I am going to focus on me. Its not selfish I have to remind myself to take care of me first otherwise I can only last so long before I crumble. So this week I will get 8 hours or more of sleep, eating moderatly and midefully, and make sure I do at least one thing that makes me feel good about myself.

I need to relax being angry takes a lot of energy that I just cannot spare. I hate feeling like that. I am angry and resentful at my husband right now and it sucks. I have to tell him how I feel otherwise I am just lugging it around and that is not conducive to a happy healthy life. Oh and life lesson listen to happy soothing songs when angry not angry rap or pissed off songs. Hope you chicks are having a great week and that it only gets better.


  1. Woah... sounds like a pretty bad week.
    I definitely know how you feel about lugging stuff around. I used to hold everything in from people and pretend I wasn't mad, but I would just get angrier and angrier at them until I was acting like a bitch all the time. That ended a few relationships.
    Take care of yourself and I hope things get resolved with your husband!

  2. They are great goals Josie
    I think all too often we forget to look after ourselves
    I know I do
    It's the little things like having a nice long bath or getting our hair done

    Take good care of you x
