Saturday, March 16, 2013

I use to smoke cigarettes

I quit smoking over ten years ago. I doesn't bother me when someone smokes next to me even in a car. Once in awhile when a new patient comes in I can take them for a smoke in the "smoke room", as you can imagine the room reeks of stale smoke from all the smoke over the years. But I actually like walking into the room and lighting a persons cigarette, the smell brings me back to college. I spent a lot of time in the smoke lounge and that quick wiff of the staleness makes me smile. I sometimes get really stressed or frazzled and think about smoking. But its weird I actually have no desire to do so. A few times I have tried to smoke and I took one puff and I was done. I had no want to smoke. I guess I thought it would be relaxing, as it had been in the past. It use to be a coping mechanism but it doesn't work anymore.

I want to get to that point with eating. I want to eat because I need to fuel my body. I want to eat because the food is incredible. I want to eat for the right reasons. I don't want to eat to numb myself. I don't want to eat to calm down. I don't want to eat and feel I can't stop. I don't want to not eat because it makes me feel like I have control. I don't want to not eat to punish myself. I don't want to not eat as a way to get back at others. I want to eat for the right reasons.

Food is my coping mechanism and I am trying to change that. Slowly I am getting better at seeing another way. Slowly I am learning how to avoid needing to "cope". I want to live my life not just make it through. That is my focus. That is my goal LIFE.


  1. First of all, good job quitting smoking! It's an indication that you have the strength and tools to quit this ED stuff too.
    It would be nice to eat for all the right reasons. Life would be so relaxing.
    You're well on your way, and even if you slip you've come so very far.

    1. thanks emily, its hard to keep in my mind even when I do slip it doent mean I failed. And from reading your blog I can tell you are improving as well.
