Sunday, December 1, 2013

Countdown to 2014

It is never too late. I have not been taking care of myself for a long while now and it has caught up with me. I have been letting things go that I should have been working on. I have done a lot of nothing. That is done. Today is the first of December and I am using the next 30 days as a warm up for the year 2014.

1. I will apply for the job at work in another department. It is scary to me, it is very different than what I do now but I can do it.

2. I will eat at least one healthy meal/snack a day.

3. I will take my dog for a proper walk around the neighborhood any day that it is not insane to go outside.

4. If I didn't go for that walk I must use my dumbells instead.

That is all. Any more and I fear I won't succeed. One day at a time. Today I must go home and make my favorite soup so I am prepared for the week. I will need to figure out if I have enough time to go for the walk, which as I type this I realise that excuse is bullshit. It is my time to make. So yes I will make my soup, go for a walk and then go to lunch at my parents house. I will eat a healthy meal with my family. That part might be harder to do with my mother cooking but I will have the healthist meal I can have, that's all.

1 comment:

  1. Warming up for 2014?? Sounds like an amazing idea :) count me in on it!

    GL on your goals Josie :) I know you can do it :)

    I also want to thank you for the comment you left me! When I got the mail it was such a happy surprise, it ttly made my day.. <3
