Wednesday, December 14, 2011

fail fail fail

I was able to handle a wine tour with tons of calories everywhere but now a normal week is fucking me over. I have some foods that start me on a bad cycle and I eat them and all hell breaks loose. So I will be good I will lose wt. I will be good I will losse wt.
I am thinking I am going to try and sleep as long as I can because I can't eat then.

Has anyone seen the new series that Tracey Gold has on the lifetime chanel called starving secrets? Its like intervention for eating disorders. It kind of lame but when I watch something like that I can eat and zone out so it helpful.
Eh there is no order in this post, maybe its the xanax I took but I am ready for bed.

1 comment:

  1. I'm so sorry this week has started bad for you. I hope it turns around soon. I have never watched that show but I am DEF looking it up.

    I hope ya feel better and your success gets back in line.

