Thursday, February 23, 2012


So here I am waiting as my car gets about $600.00 worth of stuff done to it. I say stuff because I came in for an oil change and I knew the brakes had something wrong with them. I ofcourse was hoping it was a cheap fix, its not, oh and duh! the shocks also had to be replaced. Awesome.
On a happy note I have only had 550cals for the day and I am going to try to have something really filling but low in calories when I finally get home. I am thinking my bean wrap which is: yummy, filling, and only 130 calories. That is if I feel I need to have something to eat. I am aiming for a lot of fiber for the next month or so because I need to have blood work done and I had high cholesterol a few years back when I was a binge eater. I was able to lower it to the healthy range but it has now been a year and its time to see how it is now. And I stil have to lose at least 5.9lbs before the bridal shower. And find an outfit to wear. It must make me look thin and sophisticated. That's asking a lot. Please if any one reads this I am open to suggestions, in fact please give me some ideas. I mean I guess I can look for a dress but I don't know. Oh well I better start looking.
Well that's all for now except by checking recent body comps I realized I went from 29.5 lbs of fat to 26.8 which is a loss of 2.7! Awesome drop but so much more to go.

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