Tuesday, February 28, 2012


Ok I am still up in wt but I went off track some what this weekend so it is to be expected. I was 123 last week at this time so that is a positive. If I do two pounds a week I should be about 114lbs for the wedding shower. Since the wedding will be smaller than they family thought, we were un-invited. I is actually a good thing since between gifting, new clothes and a hotel for 2 weddings would have been expensive. My mom did have a great idea that my husband and I go to Boston with them for the first wedding and just visit it as tourists. I would really like to do that since we have not been on a real vaction ever.
My husband is now on a new medication that seems to be working very well. The insurance company want a prior authorition before they will pay for it but I found a coupon for one free month of the drugs website so he started it and hopefully he will be approved before he runs out. He hasn't really been motivated to do much latly. He says he is bored and wants to get out of the house but dosent have the follow through with anything. I found a few things I knew he would be interested in but he doesn't that the plunge and actually look into it or anything. I can only recommend things I can't make him go or do the activity.
Same hing with my family, they have reset themselves to a destructive mode and instead of changing they just carry on and act like this is the only choice they have. If my parents would just give my sister and utlamatim to grow up or move out I know things would be improved some what at least. But instead my brother in law totals a car and no one says anything.
Eh I have to get back to work and charge my phone for now.

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