Thursday, April 26, 2012


Stayed the same which is disapointing but better than a gain. I ended up doing a pretty good job after work keeping busy and not devouring food in my kitchen to balance out that crazy brownie. When I left work I decided I should follow my therapist advice, so I utilized my xanax. Fucking love that shit. It makes everything less annoying and if I take it after a night of bronks and no doz it gives me a lovely mellow feeling. So as I was driving home my husband sends me a text saying he is in a horrible mood and doesn't feel good so could I pick him up some chew. Incase you don't know what that is it is chewing tabacco and it is so so gross. He randomly started doing this last summer once in awhile. So nasty and I guess I am a bit mean because I think chew is so white trash. So I bought that and went home. I changed out of my work clothes and noticed he had fallen back asleep. I went downstairs figuring I would chill down there and instead I went on a cleaning spree. Our kitchen floor was so gross so I cleaned that and the litter box. In the middle of that x comes downstairs and says "I should be doing that not you". Ofcourse I agree but since he has not done it I figured I might as well if I wanted it done. I also did a load of laundry and loaded the dishwasher. I wrote a note to remind him to run it later. He didn't. then I went outside and started getting our back porch cleaned up so I can sit out there finally. I think it looks much nicer now and all I really need now are chairs. I have one that I can use and sit with all the over grown ivy and relax. I hope it gets warmer so I can sit out there soon Foodwise today hasn't been bad I have a container full of carrots in front of me that I am trying to eat but I'm just not enjoying them at all. I am just wanting to eat carbs instead. Must be strong, must see scale go down.

1 comment:

  1. Okay....please repond to this on my blog if i don't offend you.

    I know there have been some sort of issues with your issues I believe?? But what the hell does he do all day? He doesnt't work and doesn't clean? Does he even look for a job? Like wth, every time I read your blog i get irritated at him for you.

    I hope this doesn't offend you, I know I am bitchy towards my own boyfriend and maybe you are much sweeter than me, but I don't know how you put up with that shit.

    Love n Luck.
