Thursday, February 21, 2013

Try again

Get 25 grams of fiber and 45 grams of protein
Mail tax forms out
Get foo
Make soup
And put away clothes!

Ok I did most of the things on my list for yesterday. I had told myself Wednesdays are my days, I try to keep the mornings free and not do anything I don't want to do. No chores no appointments for hubby nothing. So I didn't put my clothes away and I didn't make soup because I still have 2 servings left from my last batch. Oh and I need to photocopy one of my tax forms and then I can mail that junk out. So while I could not cross everything off my list I was able to get the important things done, like me getting 9 hours of sleep! That was way more important to me then putting clothes away.
So for today I want to keep things simple and just finish everything on my list from yesterday, and still get 25 grams of fiber and 45 grams of protein. 
I am wrting this post from my phone and it keeps messing up so this is all for now.


  1. Yay! Good job with your goals! It's hard to get everything done but crossing off even one thing makes you feel so good, right?

    1. I have actually added things to my to do list because I did them and I wanted the satisfaction of crossing it off my list!

  2. It's such a buzz to put a lovely big tick beside a task on your list
    Well done on meeting your goals
    Baby steps all the way!! x
