Sunday, February 3, 2013

Two strikes

Ok day three of my goal to not eat for the wrong reasons and I am determined to stick with it.  My downfall the first two days was cereal, no surprise.  But to look at the positive side I didn't really go too crazy, I ate great until I came home from work both days.  Unfortunatly, I did end up eating cereal once I was home, which I ate too big of a portion.  If I had not overeaten I would count it against me but I did.
So fresh start. 
I brought a salad for lunch and some salsa chicken and before I left for work I portioned out my meal for when I get home.  I will have no reason to grab anything else.  I even planned my snack of sunflower seeds knowing that I really want to eat them.  With all my planning I will have 30 grams of fiber so I will not feel hungry that is certain!  I tried to plan around all possibilities so I have a 200calorie saftey net, I am eating flavorful foods, and I planned for my sunflower seeds. I love planning, its following that is hard!
Well another thing that had me feeling odd this week is a new patient. An ED patient who OD'ed. So that's nice huh? I did her intake and had to go through her belongings. I knew what t look for and I found them, laxitives. The strangest thing for me was getting her wt. She knew exactly what it would be, no shock there, but she is about my wt and ht. That was weird. When you look at her you can see it, the ED that is.
Anyone else ever had this kind of experience? You find out someones wt/ht and it is the same as yours but you feel you look nothing like that?
Anyway that has had me one edge all week, she is here on an involentary commitment. Its just is creeping me out.
Later ladies


  1. Looks like you have a really healthy meal plan which should keep you fuller longer :) I agree that the planning part with all the measuring and organising is actually WEIRDLY enjoyable, it's just the application that sucks bum :s Best of luck to you however, I really hope you can do it :)

    I've started to identify my triggers but finding it quite difficult to NOT eat for the wrong reasons as you say. I really want to have a healthy attitude again.

    'Involuntary commitment', I assume that means she's not there willingly? Until I came to WANT to change my life around and be healthy, I didn't think involuntary treatment worked, as I'd always thought it needed to come from within. What do you think?

    Princess xxx

    1. I feel the same way, nothing will help in the long run if you don't want change. However when someone is malnurished the mind can't work correctly so if while in treatment the person is basically forced to rebalance themselves. Then I believe a person can identify if they have a problem and if they want to get better. I am hopeful for my patient because I just found out she agreed to treatment at an ED clinic out of town. She knows she has a problem and she wants change, I hope she can.

  2. Yes, I've felt that way. There are a lot of skinny girls who are 5 pounds lighter than me or something and they're really skinny whereas I'm not. I think it goes to show that weight really is just a number, and it doesn't mean a thing in terms of how "fat" you are.

    1. Its just so weird to have proof that my eyes don't see me as I really am. But atleast I know not to believe the reflection in the mirror.

  3. hellooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo so how are you doing today???

    Princess xxx
